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Guspini and Montevecchio

From Guspini you reach Montevecchio, which is the Avant Garde European mining complex, from 18th to 19th Centuries. Its structures (guided tours only) reaches up to Ingurtosu another ghost mining village. Continuing past Fluminimaggiore (about 13 km.) you reach Grotta de Su Manau (guided tours only). Followed by the Romanesque-Punic Tempio di Antas. The winding road No 126 takes you to Iglesias, whose centre is characterised by wrought iron balconies. Nearby are other mining complexes, which are no longer used, but which have archaeological and industrial value: Monteponi, Campo Pisano, San Giovanni, pozzo S. Georgio and the nearby village Seddas Moddizzis, not neglecting the sites closest to the Nebida and Masua coasts, from where you can admire extraordinary scenery dominated by the Pan di Zucchero rock. After passing a number of mining villages you arrive at the Cala Domestica inlet. From there going in a northerly direction you reach Buggerru passing the Pranu Sartu plateau. From Iglesias you can take interesting excursions in places such as, Domusnovas and Grotta di S. Giovanni (850 m. long). In the vicinity are also the tuna-fishing nets of Porto Paglia, a small 17th Century complex near a Spanish tower and villaggio nuragico di Seruci, bordering the abandoned mine in the territory of Carbonia, capital of Sulcis, founded in 1937. The Nuraxi Figus mine is still active.


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