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Costa Verde
Costa Verde

Arbus (MD)
loc. Marina di Arbus
recapito invernale
tel. +39.011.702383
Costa Verde Costa Verde

This seaside campsite is situated on the south west coast of Sardinia, on a hill overlooking a clear sea full of fish, with rocky coastline alternating with splendid sandy beaches, surrounded by the wild interior, which represents the ideal location for excursions. Available services: 40 camping lots, are terraced, with artificial shade, 30 m. from the sea, bar, restaurants, food shop, hot showers, camper stop, electric connections, phone, fax, bus, local TV, table football, beach bowls, table tennis. The nearest beach has very fine sand, with shallow waters and gentle waves. From this beach going south there are 7 km. of inlets and coves with different types of sand and rocks as far as Piscinas, famous for its dunes, the second longest in Europe.

Costa Verde