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Placed to the south west of Sardinia, joined by an artificial isthmus of approx

Placed to the south west of Sardinia, joined by an artificial isthmus of approx. 3 km., the island of Sant’Anticio forms part of the Sulcitano Archipelago. With an area of approx. 109 square km, Sant’Antioco is Italy’s fourth largest island. Presenting a territory of the Oligo-Miocene age an originally volcanic, apart from a small calcareous area on the east coast. The south coast alternates between rocky stretches and sandy beaches, while besides the Maladroxia Beach, cliffs rise to keep watch over coves and inlets of extraordinary beauty, bathed by a transparent intense turquoise sea. On this island the two main areas of population are Sant’Antioco and Calasetta, whereas the other minor settlements have lighter character, such as Maladroxia and Cussorgia. Sant’Antioco established on a nuragic settlement and later on the ruins of Phoenicia Sulcis (8th Century B.C.) lies on the east of the island, extending from the slopes of the Castello Hills down towards the sea. The town has the appearance of a typical fishing village, with small brightly coloured houses and narrow cobbled streets. In the upper slopes of the town is the Sant’Antioco church erected in the 7th Century on a paleo-Christian site, having a late baroque façade. Situated in the Palmas Gulf, dominated by the beautiful Cannai Tower (17th Century), Sant’Antioco was one of the most important Mediterranean ports from where ships left laden with a cargo of precious extracts from the mines throughout the region. The port is made up of the porticciolo near the town centre and the Roman Bridge Port, being the old commercial port. The tourist port is further along the coast at De Pompeis. A few minutes away by road is Calasetta, the second borough of the island. By taking a boat from this port it is possible to reach three very beautiful beaches: Sottotorre, Saline Beach and Grande Beach. At the southernmost point of the island and easily reached, Capo Sperone, has an enchanting beauty of mozzafiato rocks that overhang the sea.

chiesa e campanile
chiesa e campanile

Other informations
Itinerary Nuraghes
Vacca and Vitello Islands
Sant'Antioco Archaeological Museum
The Ethnographic Museum in Sant'Antioco

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Interesting sites