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NUORO and Province
» NUORO and Province
categoria: :.Territory
The Nuorese province border with the Cagliari province to the south, with Oristano to the west and Sassari to the north. Its territory corresponds to some natural sub regions: Baroni, Ogliastra, Quirla, lying on the east along the Tirrenian coast; Ba
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
ORISTANO and Provence
» ORISTANO and Provence
categoria: :.Territory
The territory that today includes Oristano, was originally occupied by the nuragic population, followed by the Phoenicians who built its predecessor: Tharros – a city and important trade centre on the coast of Sinis. The Oristano Province is an ess
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
Territory, Flora, Fauna
categoria: :.Places
With an area of about 24,000 square km, Sardinia is the second largest Mediterranean island, Sicily being the largest. It boasts one of Europe’s most important natural heritages, which is popular with tourists from all over the world. An enchanting
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
categoria: :.Territory
Second in size after Cagliari, the Sassari Province is in the north of Sardinia, including the sub-regions of Angelona, Gallura, Nurra (Alghero and Sassari), Goceano, Logudoro south of Sassari, also including nine islands, the most important being As
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
categoria: :.Towns
It is a big agricoltural centre on the edge of a little coastal plain at the feet of Monte Albo. This mountain is 1000 mt high and is an important destination for those who want to know the pastoral interior of Sardinia, with its fascinating sites
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
categoria: :.Towns
Sorso lies north of Sassari, including a long stretch of sea, called Marina di Sorso, on the Asinara Gulf, which can be reached going through beautiful vineyards and olive groves. Before Platamarra beach was added to it, the Marinara was the nearest
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
Tacchi d'Ogliastra
» Tacchi d'Ogliastra
categoria: :.Territory
The TACCHI are calcareous dolomite mountains so called for their shape similar to the heel of a shoe, Perda ‘e Liana being the most representative and famous one. This particular mountains are crossed by tracks and lanes which in the past represented
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
The main centre of the south west coast
categoria: :.Towns
The main centre of the south west coast of Cagliari Province, with an especially charming coastline called Costa del Sud (south coast), extending from Teulada Port to Cape Spartivento, with the Capo Malfatano promontory in the centre. This is splend
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005
Tomba dei Giganti Li Mizzani
» Tomba dei Giganti Li Mizzani
categoria: :.History
After a few km towards S. Teresa, you turn left and then left again at a crossroad after about 1 km. You go on for another 4 km until you meet an opening from where a signalled road on the right takes you to the tomb, located near Monte Canu. Probabl
pubblicata il: 26.01.2005

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